Sergio Pena

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viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

Score for short film "The Box" has been finished

Short film The Box was directed by spanish director Raúl Asensio Molina who lives in Los Angeles CA. The box is a comedy about two flat mates that have a conflict when a box come into their lives, with minimal production this movie has a great story wisely told to keep the audience attention all the way and get its goal: make you happy watching a movie!! The score has been written by Sergio Pena, besides a song of the soundtrack has lyrics by Alber Ponte and was sung by Miguel Ladrón de Guevara, thanks to them for their awesome collaboration! We hope to watch The Box very soon at Unexpectation Festival in Los Angeles, keep tuned!

martes, 2 de julio de 2013


O xoves 4 de xullo estrease a curtametraxe de animación COUSAS DE MEIGAS producida por Firmist Animación coa direción de Iván Fernández e con banda sonora de Sergio Pena, trátase dun proxecto realizado con moita ilusión e coa intención de contar unha fermosa historia de fantasía na que non falta aventura, a un público infantil e xuvenil. A cita é no Salón Teatro de rúa Nova nº 34 de Santiago de Compostela, ás 9 do serán. O acceso é con invitación debido ao limitado aforo.